If you have a pedal car that you want to restore and you need parts for it, you must first determine what kind of car you have so we can supply you with the correct parts. The following illustrations show many of the more popular and prevalent cars. Take a moment to see if yours looks like any of them. Be aware that almost all pedal car body styles (including the ones below) were made in a number of variations. By adding ladder racks and painting it red, it became a fire truck; a color or decal change made for even more variations. The parts, for the most part, stayed the same regardless of what model it was made to resemble.
We currently stock most parts for these and other pedal cars. If you don't see your Pedal Car, email photos to info@pedalcar.com or cyndi@pedalcar.com and we may be able to identify it for you.Just click on your car and we'll take you to your parts. If we don't have the part you're looking for, we may be able to find it for you.
1941 Murray/Steelcraft Chrysler This pedal car was first made bythe Steelcraft Co. in 1940. The originalbody color was maroon with silver trim, bumper, and windshield. This is anexample of the "Fire Chief" version. |
1948 Murray Pontiac The 48 Pontiac was produced until 1950 when the Champion was first introduced. This pedal car was made into a number of variations including station wagon, fire truck ,and a fire chiefs car. |
Murray "Sad Face"This car was introduced in 1951 in three models, dump truck fire truck, and station wagon. |
Murray Champion "Dip Side"This best selling pedal car was introduced in 1951. Commonly known as the "Dip side" Champion. There were a very large number of variations to this particular pedal car. |
Murray Champion "Straight Side"Very similar to the pedal car directly above, this champion has a different windshield, grille, hood ornament and fender shape. |
Steelcraft Chrysler Air Flow One of the more rare, valuable, and collectable pedal cars. The car came in fourvariations and the "Imperial" modelhad working headlights. |
Steelcraft/Murray Pursuit We manufacture every part of this pedal plane. We can supply kits, individual parts, or finished planes. This plane was designed by Viktor Schreckengost and recently remarked that it was his favorite pedal car design. |
Murray Toothgrille From 1968 to 1974 this pedal car could be found in many garages. The look of the car was updated to be more appealing. |
1941 Steelcraft ZepherConsidered to be one of the more gracefuland attractive designs, it is very desirableand collectable today.
Murray Comet/TorpedoOne of the most desirable of the post-war cars, this car came in three trim levels. The "comet" had painted-on bumpers, the "torpedo "had separate chrome-plated bumpers, and the "road-master or Buick"added four port-holes. |
Murray " V Front" First produced in 1960, this pedal car was made in several variations until 1967. The "Tee Bird" variation was one of the more popular variations. |
Murray "Flat Face"This pedal car was intended to look more modern than the cars from the 40s. To many pedal car fans this car reminds them of the 59 Ford. It was made in many variations. |
Garton "Hot-Rod" Made for more than ten years and was very popular and a consistent seller in numerous variations. |
Murray Boat This non-floating boat went under the names "Dolphin" "Skipper" and "Jolly Roger." One of the most unique pedal vehicles. |
Murray Three WheelerFirst introduced in 1955, this vehicle hadthree variations, the "Good Humor" the"Radar Patrol" and "Airport Jet service." |
Murray Jet This three wheeled jet was available inthree variations, the "Atomic Missile," the "Supersonic Jet," and the "Sky Rocket." Chromed dress-up parts are available forthis pedal vehicle. |
Murray Tot-Rod Made in both pedal-drive, andchain-drive, this go-kart looking pedalcar was quite popular. |
AMF Pedal Car There are probably more of these pedal cars in existence than any other. This car was one of the last metal pedal cars in production and was made in the following models: "503 Fire Chief," "505 Fire Fighter" "Jet Sweep, "Tote-All," 508 Fire Truck" and"519 Fire Truck." |
AMF MustangBuilt for Ford to promote their new pony car, the Mustang was produced until 1972. Today it is a very desirable collectable. |
Garton Mark V The Mark V was introduced in 1965,and came in five variations. |
Steelcraft Chrysler Air Flow One of the more rare, valuable, andcollectable pedal cars. The car came infour variations, and the "Imperial"model had working headlights. |
Garton "Kiddilac" A very classy styled pedal car, the deluxe version had functional headlights. |
AMF "Star Grille"One of the largest selling AMF cars. This particular car was produced until 1980. Made in several variations. |
Garton "Tin-Lizzie"By starting with the body of the "Hot-Rod" and adding fenders and a windshield, Garton was able to create the feeling of aModel T. They added a cow-catcher, replaced the windshield with locomotive cab and the "Casey Jones" was born. |